(853) 8822 4061
Consultation Hours
Tuesday: 09:30 – 11:30
Friday: 09:30 – 11:30
I joined the University of Macau in 2003 and have been engaged in the teaching and research of Portuguese as FL/L2. I am currently an Assistant Professor of the Department of Portuguese.
I was the Subject Convenor of Portuguese Language Courses, Deputy Director of Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre, and Undergraduate Programme Coordinator. I am currently the Director of Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre.
- POST-DOC in Linguistics, University of Lisbon
- PhD in Linguistics, University of Macau
- MA in Portuguese Language and Culture (specialization in Linguistics Studies), University of Macau
- MBA Master of Business Administration, University of Science and Technology of Macau
- BA in Portuguese Language and Culture – University of Macau
- DIP in Portuguese Language and Culture Course for Foreigners, University of Coimbra
Research Interests
- Acquisition of L2 Syntax and Morphology
- Teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language
- Contrastive Linguistics (Portuguese-Chinese)
- Chinese Learner Portuguese Corpus
Courses Regularly Taught
Postgraduate courses: Doctoral Thesis (PORT8999), Thesis (AHGC7990), Applied Thesis (PORT7396), Project Report (AHGC7998), Comparative Language Studies for Translation (AHGC7000), Special topic in translation (MTRS112)
Undergraduate courses: Graduation Project (PORT4008), Research and Report Writing Fundamentals (PORT4001), Introduction to Portuguese Linguistics (PTSB314), Written Comprehension and Production Skills III (PORT2007) and IV (PORT2013), Elementary Portuguese (PORT1000)
FAH Best Teacher Award 2024/2025
Incentive Award Scheme for Outstanding Academic Staff 2021/2022 (FAH)
Incentive Award Scheme for Outstanding Academic Staff 2017/2018 (FAH)
Grosso, M. J.; Zhang, J.; Gaspar, C. & Teixeira, M. (to be published in 2025). Framework Teaching Portuguese as Foreign Language in China. Lausanne: Peter Lang.
You, M.; Zhang, J.; Wong, Derek F.; Lan, K. (2025). UMPLC: the first longitudinal learner corpus of Portuguese. Language Resources & Evaluation. Springer.
Han, L. & Zhang, J. (2024). Translanguaging as method in Science Fiction Story of Your Life. TPLS – Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 14(9), 2702-2708.
Zhang, J. & Iek, S. I (2024). Desenvolvendo a competência em língua portuguesa como segunda língua entre crianças chinesas em Macau: um estudo empírico em um jardim de infância com o português como língua de instrução. Revista de Letras Norte@mentos, 17(49), 28-48.
Grosso, M. J., Chen, Z. & Zhang, J. (eds.) (2024). Actas 1º Fórum Internacional das Línguas Chinesa e Portuguesa. Macau: University of Macau.
Zhang, J. & Zhang, J. (2024). Linguistic landscape in Macau: a comparative analysis before and during the covid-19 pandemic. Millenium – Journal of Education, Technologies and Health, 2(24), e34942.
Zhang, J. & Zhang, J. (2024). Situação linguística na Região Administrativa Especial de Macau: uma análise na perspetiva da paisagem linguística. Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades, Ciências e Educação – REASE, v. 10, n. 5, 3602-3621.
Zhang, J. & You, M. (2023). Corpus de aprendizes de português da Universidade de Macau e ensino de português L2. Texto Livre (Linguagem e Tecnologia), v.17, e47754.
Han, T. & Zhang, J. (2023). Erros interlingues nas produções escritas em português de alunos chineses. In Ortiz, L., Gaspar, C., Santos, S., & Zhang, J. (eds). As Vozes da Língua Portuguesa em Seus Contextos: Encontros e Diálogos Interculturais, 557-589. São Paulo: Editora Pontes.
Zhang, J. & Santos, S. (2023). Promoção do ensino e investigação: Um percurso trilhado em várias latitudes. In Ortiz, L., Gaspar, C., Santos, S., & Zhang, J. (eds). As Vozes da Língua Portuguesa em Seus Contextos: Encontros e Diálogos Interculturais, 35-50. São Paulo: Editora Pontes.
Ortiz, L., Gaspar, C., Santos, S. & Zhang, J. (eds.) (2023). As Vozes da Língua Portuguesa em Seus Contextos: Encontros e Diálogos Interculturais. São Paulo: Editora Pontes.
Zhang, J. & Grosso, M. J. (2022). O verbo português “pensar” e os seus correspondentes verbais em chinês “renwei” e “yiwei”. In Zhang J. e Grosso M. J. (eds). Linguística Contrastiva: Estudos Português-Chinês, 93-109. Macau: University of Macau.
Zhang, J. & Grosso, M. J. (eds.) (2022). Linguística Contrastiva: Estudos Português-Chinês 葡汉语言对比研究. Macau: University of Macau.
Zhang, J. (2022). Um estudo empírico sobre a validade da hipótese de flutuação na aquisição do artigo em português por aprendentes chineses. Diacrítica, 36 (2), 159-175.
Grosso, M. J. & Zhang, J. (eds.) (2021) (ebook). A Promoção do Português em Macau e no Interior da China,2ª edição. Macau/Lisbon: University of Macau/Lidel.
Huo, Y., Wong, F., Ni, M., Chao, S., Zhang, J., Zuo, X. (2021) Learning cognitive embedding using signed knowledge interaction graph. Knowledge-Based Systems, 229, 1-10.
Zhang, J. (2021). Aquisição do artigo definido por aprendizes chineses de PLA. Letras De Hoje, 55(4), 436-445.
Zhang, M. & Zhang, J. (2021). A Fossilização e os Erros Léxico-Semânticos na Interlíngua de Aprendentes Chineses de Português L2. in. Grosso, M.J. e Zhang, J. (eds) (ebook), A Promoção do Português em Macau e no Interior da China. 184-201. Macau/Lisbon: University of Macau/Lidel.
Grosso, M. J.; Zhang, J.; Gaspar, C; Teixeira, M (2021). Referencial Ensino de Português Língua Estrangeira na China. Lisbon/Macau: Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education of Portugal/University of Macau.
Zhang, J. (2021). Uma Abordagem sobre o Uso das Sequências Formulaicas no Ensino-Aprendizagem do Português por Aprendentes de Língua Materna Chinesa. In M. Teixeira, T. C. Tavares, A. Ri. Gorgulho, M. J. Macário, P. Rodrigues & L. Santos (eds.). Anais do VI SIMELP – Da União à Diversidade, Tomo 2, 2280-2294. Portugal: Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.
Zhang, J. (2020). Estudo semântico comparativo do sistema de artigos em Português e dos mecanismos de marcação de determinação em Chinês. Diacrítica, 34(3), 80–95.
Zhang, J. (2020). O Ensino de “os Artigos” no Contexto Chinês. In Simões, Darcilia; Teixeira, Madalena (Orgs.). Propostas Didático-pedagógicas para as Aulas de Português. Tomo II – Portugal. – Coleção AILP (Associação Internacional de Linguística do Português). Vol. 3., 110-127. Rio de Janeiro: Dialogarts.
Huo, Y., Wong, F., Ni, M., Chao, S., Zhang, J. (2020). HeTROPY: Explainable Learning Diagnostics Via Heterogeneous Maximum-Entropy and Multi-Spatial Knowledge Representation. Knowledge-Based Systems, 207, 1-10.
Huo, Y., Wong, F., Ni, M., Chao, S., Zhang, J. (2020). Knowledge Modeling via Contextualized Representations for LSTM-based Personalized Exercise Recommendation. Information Sciences, 523, 266-278.
Zhang, J. (2020). Reavaliação da Tradução no Ensino de PLE a Aprendentes de Língua Materna Chinesa. In Rubens Lacerda de Sá (ed). Português para Falantes de Outras Línguas: Língua e Cultura em Tempos de Perplexidades. 132-142. Lisbon: Lidel.
Zhang, J. (2018). Estudo da variação no uso do artigo em português L2 por falantes de língua materna chinesa. Domínios de Lingu@gem, 12(2), 1144-1161.
Grosso, M. J. & Zhang, J. (eds.) (2018). A Promoção do Português em Macau e no Interior da China. Macau/Lisbon: University of Macau/Lidel.
Zhang, J. (2018). Uso do Artigo Português na Interlíngua dos Aprendentes Chineses e Ensino-aprendizagem de Português como Língua Segunda. In. Grosso, M. J. e Zhang, J. (eds), A Promoção do Português em Macau e no Interior da China, 120-133, Macau/Lisbon: University of Macau/Lidel.
Grosso, M. J. & Zhang, J. (2018). A Língua Materna Chinesa no Desenvolvimento da Competência Sociocultural em Língua Portuguesa. In. Maria José Grosso e Zhang Jing (eds), A Promoção do Português em Macau e no Interior da China, 198-209, Macau/Lisbon: University Macau/Lidel.
Grosso, M. J. & Zhang, J. (2017) O papel da Tradução em Tarefas que Focam a Competência Sociocultural . De volta ao futuro da lingua portuguesa. Atas do V SIMELP – Simpósio Mundial de Estudos de Língua Portuguesa – 2015, 3823-3832. Italy: Università del Salento.
Zhang, J. (2014). Comparação do Sistema de Determinação/Indeterminação entre a Língua Portuguesa e a Língua Chinesa. In. Maria José Grosso e Ana Paula Cleto Godinho (eds), O Português na China – Ensino e Investigação, 55-86, Lisbon: Lidel.
Zhang, J. & Godinho, A. P. (2012) A Aquisição de Artigos por Aprendentes Chineses de Português L2 – Hipótese de Flutuação. Atas do III SIMELP – Simpósio Mundial de Estudos de Língua Portuguesa – 2011, 1124-1128. Macau: University of Macau.
Zhang, J. (2010) Aquisição do Sistema de Artigos por Aprendentes Chineses de Português L2. Atas do II SIMELP – Simpósio Mundial de Estudos de Língua Portuguesa – 2009, 56-75. Portugal: University of Évora.
- 2025-2026 Translation and Research of “Journey to the West” into Portuguese (Funding of the University of Macau) (MYRG-GRG2024-00148-FAH), University of Macau
- 2022-2023 Chinese Learner Corpus of Portuguese: Construction and Research (Funding of the University of Macau) (MYRG2020-00139-FAH), University of Macau
- 2020-2022 A Corpus-based Research of Cross-linguistic Influence in the Acquisition of Portuguese L2 by Chinese Learners (Funding of the University of Macau) (SRG2020-00021-FAH), University of Macau
- 2019 Construction of E-learning Platform for Portuguese Learning (Co-PI with Derek Wong) (FMC/032/0024/2019), University of Macau
- 2018 Construction and Research about Portuguese Corpus of Learners of Macau (under the Specialized Subsidy Scheme for Training of Bilingual Talents of Chinese and Portuguese Languages and Cooperation of Education and Research for Macao Higher Education Institutions of Tertiary Education Services Office of Government of Macau) (FAH/RTO/0127/2018), University of Macau
- 2017 Formação de Professores de Português LE/L2 (under the Specialized Subsidy Scheme for Training of Bilingual Talents of Chinese and Portuguese Languages and Cooperation of Education and Research for Macao Higher Education Institutions of Tertiary Education Services Office of Government of Macau) (FAH/RTO/0281/2017), University of Macau
- 2016-2017 Elaboration of Guidelines for Requirements of Basic Academic Competences of the Portuguese as a Second Language in Complementary Secondary Education (project invited by Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Government of Macau)
- 2016 Elaboration of Guidelines for Requirements of Basic Academic Competences of the Portuguese as a Second Language in General Secondary Education (project invited by Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Government of Macau)
- 2015-2016 Revision of Requirements of Basic Academic Competences of the Portuguese as a Second Language in Complementary Secondary Education (project invited by Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Government of Macau)
- 2015-2016 Revision of Requirements of Basic Academic Competences of the Portuguese as a Second Language in General Secondary Education (project invited by Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Government of Macau)
- 2015 Elaboration of Guidelines for Requirements of Basic Academic Competences of the Portuguese as a Second Language in Primary Education (project invited by Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Government of Macau)
- 2015 Revision of Requirements of Basic Academic Competences of the Portuguese as a Second Language in Primary Education (project invited by Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Government of Macau)
- 2014-2017 A Framework in Portuguese as a Foreign Language for Chinese Native Speakers (MYRG2014-00045-FAH) (project of University of Macau)
- 2009-2015 Research Project “Variation in the marking of articles in the interlanguage of Chinese adult learners of Portuguese”, integrated in the project of the University of Macau with “Variation in the marking of morphological and syntactic aspects/features in the interlanguage of Chinese / Cantonese adult learners of Portuguese” (RG01/06-07S/CAP/FSH)
- 2008-2009 Specific Evaluation of the Teaching of Portuguese as a Second Language in the Luso-Chinese Schools of Macau: Secondary Education (project conducted by University of Macau and Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Government of Macau)
- 2006-2007 Specific Evaluation of the Teaching of Portuguese as a Second Language in the Luso-Chinese Schools of Macau: Kindergarten and Primary Education (project conducted by University of Macau and Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Government of Macau)
- 2024 Zhang, J. Keynote Speech “Analysis of the Current Situation of Portuguese Language Education in the Greater Bay Area (大湾区葡语教育现状分析)”, in Academic Annual Conference of Multilingual Teaching Professional Committee of Guangdong Education Society and Seminar on Innovative Development of Multilingual Education and Teaching Led by the Spirit of Educators in the New Era (广东教育学会多语种教学专业委员会学术年会暨新时代教育家精神引领下多语种教育教学创新发展研讨会), 06-07 December 2024, Xinhua University, Dongguan.
- 2024 Zhang, J. Public lecture “Corpus de Aprendentes e Ensino de LE/L2” (Learner Corpus and FL/L2 Teaching), 18 April 2024, University of Lisbon, Lisbon.
- 2024 Zhang, J. & You, M. UMPLC: um corpus longitudinal de aprendentes chineses de português L2. in IX Meeting of PFL Teaching Networking Points in Asia 2024: Technological Advances in PFL Teaching and Learning: strategies, challenges and pedagogical perspectives, 22-23 November 2024, Instituto Português do Oriente (IPOR), Macau.
- 2023 Zhang, J. Public lecture “Língua e Adaptação Sociocultural” (Language and Sociocultural Adaptation), 10 November 2023, University of Lisbon, Lisbon.
- 2021 Zhang, J. Public lecture (online) “A Preliminary Study of Portuguese Learning-How to lay a good foundation in Portuguese?”, 17 November 2021, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guizhou.
- 2021 Zhang, J. 葡语作为外语/第二语言的研究(Portuguese as FL/L2), in 第二届镜海语言学圆桌研讨会The 2nd Macau Roundtable Symposium on Linguistics, 3-4 December 2021, University of Macau, Macau.
- 2020 Zhang, J. Public lecture (online) “Professional Awareness of University Students in Portuguese as Foreign Language”, 10 October 2020, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guizhou.
- 2019 Zhang, J. Thematic session “Spanish and Portuguese Talents Training in the New Era – Challenges and Strategies” of Forum on Spanish and Portuguese Talents Training and Professional Development in China, organized by Beijing Foreign Language Studies University, 16 March 2019, Beijing Foreign Language Studies University, Beijing.
- 2019 Zhang, J. Public lecture “Academic Research and Essay Writing for University Students of BA in Portuguese Language”, 20 November 2019, Beijing Language Culture University, Beijing.
- 2019 Zhang, J. Construção de um Corpus de Português Constituído por Produções Escritas de Aprendentes Chineses. in Portuguese Studies and Teaching Forum, 2-4 September 2019, Department of Portuguese at the Xinhua Institute of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou.
- 2018 Zhang M, Grosso, M. J. & Zhang, J. Estudo sobre Erros Léxico-Semânticos no Processo de Aprendizagem da Língua Portuguesa por Aprendentes de Língua Materna Chinesa, in International Conference “Confluences in Portuguese: Linguistics, Literature and Translation”, 10-12 May 2018, University of Macau, Macau.
- 2018 Zhang, J. Public lecture “A Tradução no Ensino da Língua Portuguesa aos Alunos de Macau” (Translation in the Teaching of the Portuguese Language to Students in Macau), 21 March 2018, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Government of Macau, Macau.
- 2017 Grosso, M. J. & Zhang, J. Public lecture “Exigência das Competências Académicas Básicas de Língua Portuguesa (Segunda Língua) no Ensino Secundário Geral e Complementar”, 2017, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Government of Macau, Macau.
- 2017 Zhang, J. Uma Abordagem sobre o Uso das Sequências Formulaicas no Ensino-aprendizagem do Português por Aprendentes de Língua Maternal Chinesa, in 6rd World Symposium of Portuguese Language Studies (SIMELP), 24-28 November 2017, Polytecnic Institute of Santarém, Santarém.
- 2017 Zhang, J. & Grosso, M. J. Formar Profissionais Qualificados de Chinês e Português – Centro de Ensino e Formação Bilingue Chinês-Português da Universidade de Macau, in Conference: Portuguese and Chinese Networks – Educational, Economic and Cultural Perspectives, 5 December 2017, Fudan University, Shanghai.
- 2017 Grosso, M. J. & Zhang, J. Um Referencial de Ensino de Português para Falantes de Língua Materna Chinesa, in Conference:Portuguese and Chinese Networks – Educational, Economic and Cultural Perspectives, 5 December 2017, Fudan University, Shanghai.
- 2016 Yao, J. M., Grosso, M. J., Godinho, A. P., Zhang, J. & Sun, Y. Quadro de Referência do Português como Língua Estrangeira para Falantes de Língua Materna Chinesa , in Seminar on the Training of Teachers of Portuguese as a Foreign Language, organized by University of Macau, Beijing Foreign Studies University, University of Lisbon and University of Science and Technology of Macau, 9 December 2016, University of Macau, Macau.
- 2016 Grosso, M. J. & Zhang, J. O Papel da Língua Materna Chinesa no Desenvolvimento da Competência Comunicativa em Português, in International Conference: Teaching and Learning Portuguese as a Foreign Language, co-organized by University of Macau, Beijing Foreign Studies University and University of Lisbon, 8-9 April 2016, University of Macau, Macau.
- 2015 Grosso, M. J. & Zhang, J. O Papel da Tradução em Tarefas que Focam a Competência Sociocultural, in 5th World Symposium of Portuguese Language Studies (SIMELP), 8-11 October 2015, Università del Salento, Lecce.
- 2014 Zhang J. A língua e a Cultura – Formas de Tratamento em Ambiente Familiar em Chinês e em Português, in 6th International Congress of Portuguese Linguistics (AILP), 3-5 December University of Macau, Macau.
- 2011 Zhang, J. & Godinho, A. P. A Aquisição de Artigos por Aprendentes Chineses de Português L2 – Hipótese de Flutuação, in 3rd World Symposium of Portuguese Language Studies (SIMELP), 30 August – 2 September, 2011, University of Macau, Macau.
- 2009 Zhang, J. Aquisição do Sistema de Artigos por Aprendentes Chineses de Português L2, in 2nd World Symposium of Portuguese Language Studies (SIMELP), 6-10 October 2009. University of Évora, Évora.